Take a moment and try and recall the last time you purchased a commercial greeting card, such as a Hallmark card. Did you enjoy paying the exorbitant price? Were you satisfied with its clichéd message? How many times have you picked up a birthday card or thank you card and thought to yourself, “Wow, I can do better than that!”? Personalized greeting cards can be purchased for a myriad of reasons and for virtually any occasion; they can send a sincere message and impress people with your efforts.
Personal – You'll no longer have to make do with the lame selection at your local drugstore. You can make the ultimate birthday card and order it in bulk, or personalize individual greeting cards for select special people in your life. They're great for birthdays, anniversaries, and even to use as thank you cards for that post-holiday rush of gifts. Custom greeting cards are more than just some piece of cardboard with writing – they're a representation of the effort you put into all aspects of your life. It takes time, thought, and preparation to make one, but it will mean more because it's unique.
Business – Greeting cards are also great to use for your business. However, you should probably use them selectively and send them to your most frequent customers, as they are most likely to come back to you. By sending out a custom greeting card right before the holiday season, you are not just wishing people “Happy Holidays,” you're also reminding customers of your existence during a time when they are going to be spending more money than usual. Remember, it's a consumer frenzy during the holiday season – a frenzy you will want to capitalize on as a business.
There are plenty of places you can purchase custom greeting cards, and you will be able to put pretty much anything on them, including photos. You can probably even make some musical, or larger than life for jokes. Whatever the occasion, custom greeting cards will warrant a warm, sincere feeling from whoever is lucky enough to receive one.